Tag Archives: JCI

How JCI, How PeepSo – Creating Online Community that Impact The World

Little bit about myself I studied at Multimedia University (MMU) Cyberjaya Campus, doing Knowledge Engineering (Bachelor of Information Technology). Before i graduated (last semester of university), i make a no-regret-choices of my life: [1] Founded my own company [2] Joined JCI. I wish to share more about why joining JCI is changing my life, eventually […]


Strategic Planning/Management 27-May, Kagoshima Japan, delegates from 6 countries gathered for first ever Strategic Planning / Management course ever conducted. The course is to educate the importance of creating history with project collaborators, which eventually will be in the process of creating legacy via encyclopedia creation that will benefits both side in long terms. Understanding […]

2 Game Changers on May 2018

9-May-2018 A New Era of Malaysia Governance 14,940,624 (45.75% of Malaysian population) registered voters with 82.3% turnout for voting, 5,781,600 votes contributed to the current ruling party – Pakatan Harapan (PH), which marked a historic defeat for the ruling Barisan National (BN) coalition – governing party since 1957. The Oldest Head of Government in the World […]

Don’t confused between Senator & JCI Senator

JCI Senator and Senator confuse

Despite my travelling and attending function around Malaysia, many were confused with the terms “Senator” and “JCI Senator”. I faced hard time to explain because I have to repeat many times. Hence, I decided to educate public: “Don’t confused between Senator & JCI Senator”. Senator (Ahli Dewan Negara) According to Wikipedia “Dewan Negara”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewan_Negara   […]