Tag Archives: iamjaychong


IMPOSSIBLE -> I’MPOSSIBLE is simply just adding one Apostrophe and the whole meaning is opposite completely. During my 20’s, i was thought of handling multiple companies is a hassle and it’s like a long-journey dreams for me. I was so envy to others that have more than 1 business on hand. Last time, IMPOSSIBLE is […]

How JCI, How PeepSo – Creating Online Community that Impact The World

Little bit about myself I studied at Multimedia University (MMU) Cyberjaya Campus, doing Knowledge Engineering (Bachelor of Information Technology). Before i graduated (last semester of university), i make a no-regret-choices of my life: [1] Founded my own company [2] Joined JCI. I wish to share more about why joining JCI is changing my life, eventually […]

Top 10 Vital Reasons to Have a Website

1. Easier to Find/Reach User always find solution to their problem. You need to make it as easy to be searchable. Your customer always able to find more one solution and the key is WHY YOU – How Unique you are. 2. Credibility Social proof – 90% of consumers claim that online reviews influence their […]


Strategic Planning/Management 27-May, Kagoshima Japan, delegates from 6 countries gathered for first ever Strategic Planning / Management course ever conducted. The course is to educate the importance of creating history with project collaborators, which eventually will be in the process of creating legacy via encyclopedia creation that will benefits both side in long terms. Understanding […]

Access “sayakenahack.com” from Malaysia

How to access “sayakenahack.com” from Malaysia? sayakenahack.com –  a website that allows you to check if your IC Number that has been compromised in the telco breach (the star link) about 3 weeks ago at Malaysia. The telco breach is leads to -The personal details of some 46.2 million mobile number subscribers in Malaysia are […]