Little bit about myself

I studied at Multimedia University (MMU) Cyberjaya Campus, doing Knowledge Engineering (Bachelor of Information Technology). Before i graduated (last semester of university), i make a no-regret-choices of my life: [1] Founded my own company [2] Joined JCI. I wish to share more about why joining JCI is changing my life, eventually made a great deal on inspiring me on my personal life, and also my own career.

My little JCI career path:

  • 2010-2011: Organizing Chairperson of Malaysia Book of Records National Speed Typing Contest
    • Founded: Fastest Typist in Malaysia (2011)
    • Awarded: Largest Participation in Speed Typing Contest (2011)
    • Initiated: World Typing Day (8th January, annually)
  • 2011: JCI Mines Secretary-General
    • Awarded: 7 JCI Mines award, including Most Outstanding Board of Director
  • 2012: JCI Mines President
    • Awarded: Top 10 Local Organization (LO) Award with 100% Efficiency (out of 56 other LO)
  • 2013: Area Peninsular Central-South National Executive Vice President Personal Assistant
    • Awarded: Most Outstanding Area Officer
  • 2014: JCI Malaysia National Vice President
    • Awarded: Most Outstanding National Vice President (Quarter 1)
  • 2015: JCI Malaysia Most Active and Outstanding Trainer (56 Training Hours logged in within 9 months)
  • 2016: JCI Malaysia National Information Technology Commission Chairperson
    • Awarded: Top 3 Website Award by Malaysia Website Award (MWA), by Exabytes Malaysia
  • 2018: JCI Asia-Pacific Conference @Kagoshima Japan as Special Invited Trainer – Strategic Planning/Management

My little JCI Training Portfolio:

On my daily routine, i work as Technopreneur and Technology Consultant/Advisory to multiple companies and NGO’s projects. On physical training side, i used to learned Wushu (Chinese Martial Art) – from Huo Yuan Jia (HYJ) Academy Malaysia


What drive me, truly madly deeply

Create more positive change and leaders that inspire more youth empowerment. I believe in the philosophy of “The Power of ONE“, where you can change the world by changing yourself, and inspire the person next to you and continue with the chain-reaction influence.


My biggest passion and how i share with the world

I believe in the more positive knowledge sharing to the people, the more mature of our community will be. I love to do sharing via seminar talk, public speaking, training, workshop, regardless how many audience; As i believe in passing the RIGHT message to the RIGHT person in the RIGHT timing is the key, it’s not the number game.


How my business/community makes a (small) difference in this world

My very first company i founded was providing a spelling checker service to Windows platform that “hidden” behind every Windows 8 and above machine in Asia. My next ventureS (yeah, i initiated quite a number of companies and projects) are targeting focusing in empowering individuals to transform their business into digital platform. One of the best example is i founded a website that will create your website (competition with,, and many other service provider). I believing in “Everyone Should Have Website For Everyone” motto. Digital platform suppose to be a free world, where everyone can contribute, not through anybody else, but YOUR OWN SELF. 


How active with my community and what we are crazy about

Among many NGOs i involved and taking the leads, JCI is one of the best community that i should recommend to EVERYONE, although JCI is not meant for everyone, but my personal opinion is everyone should go for JCI. It’s not about how great the network it, it’s not about how talented are the people is, it’s not about how much easier you can involve in community project and benefinial to your ownself afterwards. It’s about JCI Values and Philosophy that drive JCI Members “crazy” and being HYPER active as one of the trademarked slogan by JCI = “Be Better“.


Where do i see my community and business 3 years from now

*link to Full 2019-2012 JCI Strategic Plan Draft

JCI had celebrated 100 years anniversary on 2014 and still counting. This great organization had evolved throughout the journey and eventually coming out a great JCI Strategic Plan (5 years long terms plan) 2019-2023. On the latest discussion and workshop, we talk about how to mobilize and empower more youth via technology, eventually creating both PHYSICAL and ONLINE community, specially cater for youth between 18-40 years old (official JCI membership age requirement), which then will connect to any other sector regardless border, language, race, and also age. One of the best changes is JCI Official Website, where now is more community-driven and portal-based – JCI.CC

Locally, i assisted in creating JCI websites for Malaysian including National Project – Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian (TOYM) Award (Annual Project, hosted by Local Organization that won bidding and compete among other 64 Local Organization Nationwide) – and new portal for TOYM Past Honorees as well as Youth Elites – (PeepSo-based – Launching soon September 2018). With the initiative, i foresee JCI (Malaysia) will be reaching more youth (from current 23% to at least 50% of youth between 18-40 years old).


What’s my favorite PeepSo feature

Frankly speaking, each feature is heavily relies on each other and it’s hard for me to choose ONE. Standing as web developer perspective, i’m telling you the best part you enjoy the most is EASY SETUP with BEYOND-EXPECTATION features that loaded at the backend. I been finding online community module for YEARS and i been using many other community plugin.


Why PeepSo

From don’t-know-what-i-need to frustrated-with-extra-feature-request, i know PeepSo will be the FUTURE! I spent about one year to play around it and i’m starting to transferring my 50+ websites/portals to utilizing this amazing plugin. Stay tuned! (Yes, it’s taking me a lots of time to figure out what’s the pros and cons among other competitions, then making tough decision on making the transfer, where i know my time investment will be WORTHY!)


Which PeepSo plugins have i installed

Well, i tried out the demo as well as full-packed features at itself and i know – this is it, this will be my online community based plugin. Believe me or not, with the free features, i have more than enough for simple community based websites.


Round up is one of the proven example that online community is necessity. Building up a more focus-driven, especially with specified purpose(s) is more recommended. Hence, i choose PeepSo, as my lifetime partner, my trust-able plugin for my websites/portals.

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