1. Learn to be uncomfortable Most people just want to be comfortable, be it physical, psychological, or emotional comfort. Comfort, more than anything else, is one of the primary goals of the middle-class mindset. The fact is, becoming a millionaire isn’t easy and the need for comfort can be devastating. If you want to […]
Email marketing is hard work and sometimes really ungrateful. You have been working day and night to build a great mailing list, create your newsletter, promote it everywhere you can, maybe even create a free gift to entice people to join, following all the tips to boost email open rates yet all this seems in vain […]
My sharing of thought: Entrepreneurs VS Wannabe Entrepreneurs 10 simple reasons that you can check yourself whether you’re ready to be entrepreneur or you still at the stage of “wannabe (want to be)” 1. Entrepreneurs Believe In Themselves While Wantrepreneurs Think It’s All About Them Wantrepreneurs think the business revolves around […]
“Gua Suka Tipu” “GS Tea” “Gila Shopping Time” There are a lots of funny quotes over the internet. If you ask me, I will say: GST is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it nobody really knows how to deal with it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims […]
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